Wellness and Healing IV Infusion Therapy
Genetic and Vitamin Deficiency Testing
Excellent health and wellness begin at the cellular level. Ensuring your body has the nutrients, hydration and supplements it needs for optimum health can be achieved with the right wellness therapies. At NexGen Health in San Jose, we offer innovative wellness and healing IV infusion therapy, as well as various testing and health services.
We start with nutrient and genetic testing to determine what nutrients could benefit your health, followed by a customized IV drip infusion therapy treatment plan. We offer specialized boosters and supplements that can be added to our standard IV formulas to optimize the health of our patients.
Our Treatments
Understanding your current health and genetic factors can help determine the best treatment plan to pursue wellness. We offer genetic and vitamin deficiency testing along with our IV drip therapies and weight loss programs. To learn more about the treatments we offer, visit the following pages:
Our testing and therapy options can be combined into a customized treatment plan to help patients achieve optimum weight or health. Benefits can include weight loss, higher energy levels, an improved immune system and overall better health and wellness.
If you are interested in learning more about the cutting-edge wellness therapies that we offer at NexGen Health, contact our office in San Jose. We can schedule a consultation with one of our medical professionals to discuss our testing and wellness therapies.