IV Therapy
Improving your health starts at the cellular level. When your body receives the nutrients it needs, it can function at its highest level. Whether you want to replenish lost nutrients after indulging in too much wine or you want to optimize your immune system or overall wellness, IV infusion therapy may be the solution. As part of our treatment options at NexGen Health, we offer healing IV therapy drips for cellular health at our clinic in San Jose, CA.
What are the benefits of IV drip therapy? With this nutrient delivery system, your body receives the hydration and nutrients directly into the bloodstream. This efficient medical therapy bypasses the digestive system, which may not absorb all nutrients from the food you eat or from oral supplements. IV infusion therapy can be customized to your unique needs. We offer nutrient deficiency and genetic testing to determine the best therapy options to optimize your health and wellness. Most IV drip therapies can be completed in less than an hour at our clinic in San Jose.
IV Infusion Therapy Options
The right combination of vitamins, minerals and other biological supplements can enhance your energy, mental clarity, healing and overall wellness. NexGen Health offers IV infusions that are formulated to provide healing benefits for specific health concerns. These formulas provide the basic nutrients for obtaining the desired result. We also offer boosters that can be added to the formulas to tailor therapies to each patient. Our IV fusion therapy formula options include:
Do you want to feel your best and improve your health at a cellular level? Come visit our medical team at NexGen Health to learn more about our healing IV therapy drips for cellular health. Contact our office in San Jose to schedule your first visit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Interested in IV drip therapy? You’re not alone. Your questions regarding this effective wellness treatment that improves your health at the cellular level can be answered by NexGen Health. Explore our FAQ section where we’ve gathered common questions frequently asked at our San Jose clinic to guide you.
Intravenous (IV) drip therapy delivers water and nutrients directly to your bloodstream for quicker hydration and absorption. Like patients receiving nutrients or medications in the hospital or ER, IV therapy bypasses the digestive system for faster administration. However, this therapy is designed to improve health as an elective treatment.
Most of our IV drips take about 45-60 minutes to administer from start to finish. Patients may need to fill out intake forms and review treatment information before their IV drip therapy, but the entire process is usually completed in less than an hour. (The NAD Therapy takes two hours)
Our IV drip treatments are performed by medical professionals and are sourced from an FDA registered facility. Most of the nutrients are the same as what you ingest in food or supplements; they are just delivered differently and more effectively to the bloodstream. Side effects or negative reactions to the substances in the IV infusion therapy are almost non-existent. Slight bruising, itching or swelling on the skin from the IV is possible, like any needle injection, but these effects are mild and quickly dissipate. The treatment is not painful, just a slight prick to the skin as the needle is inserted.
Many patients receive IV drip therapy two or more times per month. The exact number of treatments and frequency depends on the individual. We offer nutrient testing to identify deficiencies, and a treatment plan is devised based on your specific needs.
We provide our mobile IV therapy treatments to the following cities and surrounding areas:
A travel fee of $225 will be added for our mobile concierge service