EBO2 Therapy
Living with chronic inflammation and pain can be a daily struggle. While many therapies are available, they may not always provide the relief you need. A new inflammation and pain treatment model is a type of medical ozone therapy known as Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBO2). EBO2 is a unique treatment that filters a patient’s blood supply and removes excess lipids and proteins that can contribute to ongoing inflammation. It’s a highly effective therapy that has shown promising results in treating autoimmune-related disorders, chronic inflammation and pain.
Why is Ozone Important in Treating Inflammation?
In its environmental state outside our bodies, ozone is a natural gas that protects us from harmful radiation and other potential environmental problems. Ozone therapy turns this ability into an innovative treatment option that delivers a pure form of oxygen to our cells, increasing cellular energy production. With improved oxygen levels, your body can more effectively fight off infections, inflammation and diseases while promoting regeneration and healing. EBO2 offers a range of health benefits for those struggling with various health issues.
How the EBO2 Machine Works
The EBO2 machine is a high-volume blood gas exchange that works like dialysis. It takes approximately an hour to recirculate your blood supply, removing excess inactive proteins, fats and other inflammatory and pain triggers in a patented filtration system. The EBO2 unit is considered the world’s most advanced medical ozone therapy and is highly effective in treating autoimmune-related and other disorders.
EBO2 Treats Multiple Disorders
EBO2 helps more than just inflammation and autoimmune disorders — it is also used to speed wound healing and cell regeneration, reduce the risk of infections, combat viral infections such as Lyme Disease, and treat cardiovascular disease. It also improves soft tissue pain and fatigue and improves cognition. As an added benefit, treatment for these conditions also provides an anti-aging effect, and EBO2 can be used for anti-aging purposes. With its proven track record of success, ozone therapy is an excellent option to help improve your overall health and well-being.
Superior Treatment for Chronic Inflammation
Located in San Jose, CA, NexGen Health is one of the few clinics in the nation to offer this cutting-edge treatment to patients seeking relief from chronic inflammation and pain.
Our medical team is comprised of board-certified physicians and other medical professionals dedicated to enhancing our patients’ well-being. If you want to improve your cellular health and overall well-being, contact NexGen Health to explore the benefits of ozone therapy.